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What is NHSDA?

We are proud to announce that BPAC is now an established Grade 6-12 level Chapter for the National Honors Society for Dance Arts. The National Honor Society for Dance Arts, or NHSDA, is a program of the National Dance Education Organization whose mission is to recognize outstanding artistic merit, leadership, and academic achievement in students studying dance and to foster an appreciation for dance as a true art form. By recognizing these dance students nationwide, providing institutions with a way to promote their dance programs, NHSDA helps to advance the field of dance and the importance of dance education.

Dance students are inducted based on a “point system.” Points are awarded for dance activities such as dance classes, rehearsals, performances, research, workshops, or community service, alongside a GPA of at least 3.0.  Dancers who are inducted receive recognition of their artistic merit, academic achievement, and leadership throughout their educational experience. They receive certificates at each level of induction with the opportunity to wear the gold Honor Pin and blue and white Honor Cord with graduation gowns, mentorship from the BPAC Chapter Sponsors and board members, networking with their peers, and have access to leadership and development opportunities within their NHSDA Chapter. Students will potentially have the opportunity to assist the BPAC chapter sponsors with administration, record keeping, fundraising, and event planning as the chapter grows. Inducted students also qualify for the NHSDA National Merit, Leadership, and Academic Achievement Award, a scholarship award and the highest honor from the National Dance Education Organization.


If interested in more information, please set up a time with Miss Ray to see how your child can be inducted in  to the NHSDA!


Why become a member?

  • Recognition of students and advisors for outstanding artistic and academic achievement.

  • Educational development opportunities

  • Networking with dance students and professionals

  • Leadership activities

  • Induction and other recognition ceremonies

  • Special awards presented to outstanding senior graduates

  • Outreach programs to the community

  • Many more!

How can I join?

  • Candidate must maintain and show proof of a 3.0 GPA

  • Candidate must earn at least 30 points in order to maintain membership

  • Candidate must participate in at least 2 days of dance per week

Contact us for more Information! 

Set up a time to chat with Miss Ray on how your student can be inducted into the National Honors Society for Dance Arts! 

    Thanks for submitting!

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